As promised in my previous post, here are the last small quilts I finished. This first one was made from various black, white, gray and pickle green blocks. Many came from Jan either as completed blocks or smaller components that I combined into 12" blocks. I quilted this with a nice swirl and used a black and white stripe for the binding.
Some penguins make the back fun, too. I like to use novelty fabrics like this to make the back a surprise for the little person who receives the quilt.
And speaking of fun, aren't these cats a kick? They have the funniest sly looks on their faces as they contemplate the birds on their heads! I don't remember when I made the rail fence blocks, but they seemed to play well with the kitties and that blue tree fabric, so I stitched them together to make this little quilt.
The back continues the pink/turquoise/red and cat themes. I love that tree fabric so much!

This next piece is made from a bunch of 3.5" squares of nautical and Hawaiian themed fabrics. They were part of a bundle I bought on eBay. I added a pink polka dot border and binding to make a sweet 40"x40" baby quilt.
The back used up a couple more chunks of pink, a color I don't use often. Both this piece and the first two in this post were donated to Little Lambs.
This bright little quilt is a bit random. I had the rectangles in a ziplock baggie and started sewing them into columns as leader/enders. After the columns sat around for a while, I decided to set them in green, but didn't have quite enough. So they got strips of coordinating fabrics in between. It kinda sorta works? I think I mostly wanted an excuse to use the stripe as a binding. I love the black, green and orange together!
The back used up greens in various shades from light to dark. This quilt was sent to Quilts Beyond Borders as part of their Navajo Initiative.
And finally, this quilt is sized to be used on the lap of a wheelchair user. It's about 36"x50". I've had the panel full of tools for a while, waiting for inspiration to strike. I dare you to read the words without breaking out into song.
Jan sent me these super cool Dresden fans and that was just the inspo I needed! The colors are perfect, and the shape of the fans mimics the saw blade in the panel. Only two fan blocks were finished, so I stitched the rest together and set them on various creamy backgrounds. I think a retired woodworker will really like this quilt.
The back has chickens and roses because, why not? I do love a good chicken fabric, don't you?
And on that note, this will be my last post. I started this blog to document my quilts, back when I made one every few months. Now I finish about one a week and have found that I absolutely dread taking the photos. Quilting brings me tremendous joy, and I love every part of the quilting process. But honestly? The blog photography was starting to steal that joy. Today the SD card on my phone died, destroying a bunch of photos, and that was the final straw. Admitting that I was done blogging feels like a huge relief.
I appreciate all the kind words and support I've received through your comments and emails. Rest assured that I will still be quilting! If you follow Kat's blog, she usually takes photos of the pieces I donate to Covered in Love, so you can still see some of my work there.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I'll see you around in the comment sections of other quilt blogs.